Join us for a friendly workshop of fun and creativity
Jackie runs painting workshops from her home in Riccarton, Christchurch, where you can learn how to create little houses or choose from a huge range of products. The groups are small and friendly and no experience is needed.
Learn techniques such as stenciling, distressing, dry brushing, paper collage and paint effects
From Small Groups to Large Classes
Regular classes are run from Jackie’s home on Fridays during the school terms and occasionally on Tuesday evenings . They are 2 hours long and most materials are supplied, such as brushes, paint and papers etc. There’s a huge range of wooden shapes and projects available to purchase as well as a class fee.
If you have booked in for one of these classes and can’t make it, please let Jackie know within 3 days of the class so that others can be offered the place.
For larger one off classes, a deposit will be required and you will be notified of conditions and cancellation policies relevant to each workshop when booking.
Choose from a variety of projects or bring one from home
Everything is super easy and you will learn techniques such as stenciling, distressing, dry brushing, paper collage and paint effects. These techniques can also be used on furniture or feature walls that Jackie can help you with as well.
There are no set projects, you can choose from a wide variety of options or even bring something from home that you need help with. You can just come to one class or put your name down for more as spaces become available, it can be addictive. Many have been coming for years!
![Class project to add to gallery[34].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/d09da5_533a8aae1fba42c6a598405d0c1bc9bf~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_414,y_0,w_2194,h_3296/fill/w_412,h_619,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Class%20project%20to%20add%20to%20gallery%5B34%5D.jpg)

Inspiration for the projects comes from years of travel
Inspiration for the projects and designs has come from many years of travels as well as noticing pretty details around us. Jackie is always the one in the group that has dropped behind to photograph a little flower growing out of an old tiled floor or a linen curtain blowing in the breeze!
A lot of interest has come from stockists overseas and Jackie has even taken her paints and bits and pieces with her, running classes in The Netherlands, France and Spain. They were very much enjoyed even with only a handful of participants speaking English!
Workshop Waiting List
Occasionally, larger classes will be offered or you can bring a small group of friends for a one off weekend class so let us know what suits you and join the workshop waiting list.